Sedation Dentistry Austin, TX
We provide oral conscious dental sedation.
If you get anxious about an upcoming dental appointment, you’re not alone. Now we have technology at our disposal to care for you more gently than you ever imagined possible.
You might be a prime candidate for sedation dentistry. It’s a technique that allows you to virtually snooze through a procedure. Next thing you know, your appointment’s over and you’re heading home!
Here’s how sedation dentistry works:
After an initial consultation, you’ll take a medication just prior to your appointment. You’ll want to have a friend deliver you to and from the office as you’ll be drowsy and unable to drive. At your appointment, you’ll be sleepy, but thoroughly responsive. Our team monitors you throughout the procedure.
The big plus—most patients don’t feel a thing, and we can accomplish most of your dentistry at one sitting, from two to as many as six hours long. For anxious patients, this new alternative is a kind of miracle. Give us a call to see if sedation dentistry might be right for you.